Membership Application to the Catholic Family Virtual Church

Join our congregation to help assist our endeavor to support the traditions and sacraments of the Catholic Church.

The larger the membership the more hearts we can touch to make this world a better and safer place to live.

Catholic Prayer

Catholic Traditions

  • Catholic Prayers


    Please, Lord, give me the strength that I need to face today. I don't have to worry about tomorrow. If you just give me the strength that I need today that is all I need.

    Prayers »
  • Catholic Candle

    Lighting of Candles

    We light the candle while praying for our intention or offering our thanks and then leave the flame burning as signs of our prayers. You might see a little coin box or basket nearby for donations to pay for the candles. If you're truly poor, don't worry about it! But if you are able, it is right to drop in a dollar or two to offset the costs.

    Catholic Candle »
  • Catholic Confession


    The basic requirement for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the "prodigal son" and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.

    Confession »

Support the Catholic Family Web Site


    Now you have a great chance to register a unique email address – and it won’t be just a commercial server like or, but a domain matching your faith!

    Use your name with your Catholic faith:!

    Your Faith Email Address »

  • Catholic Store

    Catholic Family is a simple online Catholic store to offer simple solutions to your family life. We will be expanding the store as we evolve. Just simple items from lighting a candle to prayer requests. Enjoy the spiritual growth in you and others around you!

    Shop at Store »

  • Candles

    Light a Candle: A distinguishing characteristic of Catholic churches compared to other denominations is the large presence of candles. Catholics display candles for different purposes, including prayer, symbolism and memorials. Although candles are not a formal aspect of Catholicism, the tradition of lighting candles at Catholic churches is commonplace and adds beauty to the atmosphere.

    Catholic Candle »

  • Donations

    Catholic Family is grateful for and accepts donations from individuals as well as corporations and foundations. We also accept planned gifts, in-kind donations, and offer a variety of other giving methods.

    Your support will allow to continue supporting Catholic Families as your Virtual Church.

    Donations »